Thursday, December 29, 2005
As mentioned in an earlier post... I HATE TELUS!! If I could get my phone line through someone else I would. That internet phone thing hasn't made it down to "hick-ville" yet, so for right now I'm stuck! For some reason Telus always causes me problems. This time it is with my cell phone.... still! Today I call them back to get my new balance (read post: just one of those nights... for first half of the story) I ask the guy what my new balance is and he says that it isn't ready yet. I've been told 3 times it is supposed to be ready in 48 hours, and so far it has been a lot longer than that. So I tell him that if it's not ready then I don't want to have to pay the late fees while I wait for it to be ready. I get that it might take an extra day or two since this happened right through Christmas, but I don't want to have to pay because they are slow. So he transfers me over to someone he says can help me with this. So I'm talking to the lady and she tells me that it looks like they won't have my new balance until January 14th!! Well that's a hell of a lot longer than 48 hours! Fine... Whatever... I don't care, as long as I don't have to pay the late fees. So she proceeds to tell me that I still have the $120 past due on my account.... Ok now we've made a complete circle here... this is how the whole problem started. These stupid people at Telus just aren't getting it are they! So she asks me if I want to make a credit card payment to clear the past due amount, and if it is over and above what I owe when they get my new balance then they will apply it as a credit. Well, ok, this sounds like an idea, but no! My credit card was just witness to the holiday season and Boxing Day shopping... as much as the VISA company might like me, I don't think they are going to let me go any farther over my limit than I already am. So Telus, thanks but no thanks, I'll just wait for my new balance. It's just a huge pain in the ass to have to remember to call, then get to the right place, and probably wait on hold for 10 or 20 minutes. Why can't they just call me when my balance is ready? It was their screw-up right? Why should I be the one chasing them down... Like I said, I hate Telus!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
The Holidays
So... I return. It's now the 28th of December, and I think it is the first day since my last post that I have been home for longer than 3 hours during the day. Christmas is stressful. Well not actually the holiday itself, but the shuffling of people, that's the crazy part. Christmas Eve belongs to my family (Mum's side) and I'm not giving it up. It's our game day and it's only adults... which is great!! Brighton is the only kid there and he is only 6 months old, so he just plays on the floor. Christmas day gets hectic though... I want to have Christmas morning at home. I always remember being at my Nana's, cousins, or somewhere else... never really at home. Well I want memories at home with my kids on Christmas. There is something magic about seeing a child on Christmas morning. The hope they have that Santa came, ate the cookies, and left them a surprise under the tree. It's just a heart-warming moment. So I want that at home. But then comes the rest of the family... both my husbands family and my Dad's side of the family live close so we have to see them both on Christmas day... which means we spend 3 hours at each place and then run somewhere else... CRAZY. Boxing Day is just nuts... Especially when you have a 6 month old with you who hasn't had a decent nap in 3 days. I got a few good things, and the things I didn't can wait till later, because I am not subjecting myself to the madness that is going on for the next 2 or 3 days. So after Boxing Day I am finally thinking I might be able to stay home and get some rest and maybe organize a bit from after Christmas.. WRONG!! It's my nieces birthday on the 27th so we were out and about for that...Today I am staying home, no if's, and's, or but's.... HOME!! Even though everything was crazy it was nice to see my family and my hubbies family. My family is great... they are so kind to me, Todd, and Brighton - thanks guys!! Sorry this entry is all over the place, I'm not feeling 100% and this is how it spilled out of my brain.
Off to take a nap while Brighton is taking his...
Off to take a nap while Brighton is taking his...
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Just one of those nights...
So yesterday morning turned into yesterday night.... At about 2pm my internet goes down right in the middle of me trying to send a long email that I had typed about 90% of. Then my computer crashed. So all in all it probably wasn't the internets fault, but actually the computer, but at the moment I am hating Telus. So, right after that a man from Telus Mobility calls - did I mention I hate Telus, always have - he tells me that as of tonight both mine and my hubbies cell phones are going to be suspended. Ok you can take a lot of things away from me and I'm ok, but not my cell phone. It is like an extension of me, and I can't have an extension of me cut off or suspended. It's like someone tying up one of my legs and telling me not to use it till I pay some fee. That fee of course was about $120 dollars. Ok that seems a bit high to me, considering within the last month I have paid $385!!! So I tell the nice man, look this happened last month, and we found out we were being charged the minutes between the to cell phones - we have one of those shared/family plan things so this shouldn't happen. He transfers me over to this very nice lady in accounts, or something like that. She is now my new best friend!! So not only was I being charged for the minutes between cells phones - at a crazy rate of thirty-five cents a minute - but I have actually been paying for two separate lines. Well hello!!! What the hell is the point of having a shared account then. So every month I have been paying $40 extra for the second line instead of $15 and all the calls in-between phones. Grrrr... still hating Telus... loving the nice lady, but hating who she works for. She tells me to call back on Boxing Day or the day after so the people can sort through 4 months worth of calls, have fun with that Telus I talk a lot! So we get that sorted out. Then I drive to a little town in the middle of Alberta to pick up my cousin and her hubby who's car broke down. This wasn't really a bad thing it was just unexpected, and we were able to have a good chat on the way down about really important things like cats and should have Cindy given the cars to the other 4 on Survivor - you know, important stuff! Once we hit town we go out to dinner for my aunts birthday at Cheesecake Cafe, which has recently become one of my favorites. Not last night it wasn't. I ordered the ginger beef... something was WAY wrong with it. I've had it before, normally it's pretty good, last night... CRAP!! So I send it back, and they don't even ask me if I want to order something else. I'm thinking "Ok, I'll just sit here and what everyone else eat, great service!" (sarcasm is dripping off that one!) Luckily my family is nice, and they shared with me - thanks guys! Todd's meal was pretty cruddy too! 0-2 at Cheesecake last night. We drive home and it's about 10:30, three hours past Bright's bedtime. We get home, does he want to sleep... heck no! So I just left him there to chew on his toes till he fell asleep... I needed rest! Guess what time he got up again last night..... 4am!! Hopefully today is better, considering it is Christmas Eve... Santa had better be good to me this year.....
Friday, December 23, 2005
Just one of those mornings...
Do you ever have one of those days that just goes wrong from the beginning. Mine started at midnight... right when the day turned over to a new one. I flopped down into bed thinking "finally sleep time". WRONG!! Not only was my hubby not sleeping - thus his tossing and turning keeping me up - but for some reason, my delightful child who normally sleeps through the night is not. He went to bed late, so I'm thinking "Great! Maybe I can sleep in." No such luck, in fact he gets up 3 times before 7am. At about 4am I am actually wondering who might want to adopt him for a day so I can get some freakin' sleep. Not to many people I know want me calling them at 4am with a cranky baby asking them to wake up and take him, so me, the person who just woke them up, can go to sleep. Not likely... but at 4am one can wish... Luckily he goes back to sleep. At seven when the alarm goes off he wakes up again. Fine, I'm already up because Todd is leaving for work, so I feed him and put him back to sleep. Then I go back to sleep... amazingly he sleeps till ten. Joy for me!! Even when he does wake up I am still groggy, but a bit better than I was in the middle of the night. So I get up, put on some sweats and then what do I do (drum roll please) I check my email!!! I'm going through them and not to much is there, and then I look and see one that I am not 100% sure I want... NOPE I DEFINITELY DON'T WANT THIS ONE!! Crap. An account of mine has been suspended for something I didn't do. This just irritates me. It's like someone stealing you identity, but not as detrimental. Just down right frustrating though... And of course all I can do is send an email explaining myself. I can't even talk to a real person. Have you ever tried to talk to a real person from Yahoo!, Ask Jeves, Telus, your Online Banking Service, or anything like that... impossible, completely useless. To top it all off I have a cranky kid -" I wonder why?" I think to myself, maybe because he was up half the bloody night. So I lay him down for a nap. I can still hear him right now in his crib fighting the sleep. He does this half hearted cry thing... more of a moan really when he is super tired, but just doesn't want to sleep. I don't understand it, but whatever. And to top the morning off, my cats are driving me crazy. I seriously think someone gave them caffeine pills, since they are running around my house like someone lit a fire under their ass. It's only 11am, and I'm not sure what the rest of the day will bring, but I'm sure it will be interesting....
Thursday, December 22, 2005
So I decided to fill out my profile this evening... I didn't get very far as you can see. Anyways, I get to the part that says occupation and it has a drop down file called "industry". I start looking through it trying to find something that even relates to being a mother, homemaker, house wife, or whatever you want to call it. The closest I get is a category called "Non-Profit". Hmmmmm I think to myself... not sure if that is quite what I would call my industry. I sure wish I was paid, well at least in the form of money. My son seems to think he can pay me with spit-up or boogers. Sometimes I get paid in smiles. That's when it is really worth it. All the time and energy I spend is worth it just to see that kid smile. Yep, I'm a sap. I love my kid, but I'm okay with that. I'm still not sure what to put as my industry though, any ideas? I still don't know who I am writing these random questions too, maybe myself. Maybe somewhere I am hoping I can answer them myself. Then again I might be thinking to deeply and hurting my head... time to go find some aspirin...
My New Blog
Well, I'm not 100% sure why I set this up. Seems to be the new craze, so why not follow suit. So here goes nothing. Sabrito is a combination of three names, Sarah - myself, Brighton - my adorable little boy, and Todd - my wonderful hubby. So that's where I got it... I figured I could use something like Sarah1208, or some other random number behind it, but what's the fun in that? Really people need to be creative. I'm not sure what this blog is going to be about, thus the really ambiguous title. I figured it would just be my way of venting... Since I hate writing in my journal. It's not actually the journal per-say, but the whole fact that I actually have to put a pen to paper and write. I much prefer clicking away at my computer... Much easier. I guess unless you are one of those people who "chicken pecks" away at the keys - no offence to my Mum who does just that - then maybe the traditional pen and paper is the way to go. Me and my computer have a bond, I'm not sure what kind yet. I do know that coming to my computer when I'm stressed helps me relax. Mainly I just check email, but hey whatever helps right? Maybe I should name my computer? Any suggestions? I'm not sure who I am actually asking that too, but why not. But you know if I seemed to have disappeared I am probably sitting on my butt at my computer doing something non-important, but I'm enjoying it. Thus what I am doing right now. Plus I'm waiting for Todd to come home from work so I can cook some din-dins! What a good house wife I am! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but we stay-at-home-moms and house wives need some credit sometimes. I read an email once talking about that... I'm sure it was one of those non-true ones you would find on somewhere, but hey it made me laugh. It was all about this woman who was telling some uppity woman at the town hall how she was the director of development and experimental sciences in the field of children and youth... or something along those lines. Maybe I will hunt it down someday and put it on here. Well I must go and get my dinner ready... I wish I had a full time cook, oh wait I do! Her name is Sarah.... Sigh