Reasons Why - Random Thoughts On Lifes Questions

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Falling out of a van!

So, I haven't written in awhile, but I haven't had much to say. Somehow my life seems to be hectic and boring all at the same time. Last night although was crazy! Todd was outside doing some work on vehicles and Brighton desperately wanted to go and see him. He kept sitting at the door saying "Da da!" After about five minutes I decided he was not going to be content with me, so out we went. First I sat him in the driveway to watch Todd, but he kept eating the rocks, and I was a bit afraid he would choke on one. So I decided to sat him on the front van seat so he could watch. Well all was fine and dandy for awhile. I just stood beside him, and he got to watch his Dad in action. Well after a few minutes the phone rang. Stupid me walked away from Brighton for 2 seconds and out the van he went. The problem is that Brighton likes to go head first. Even on the sofa, he knows that he should go feet first (and he knows how to), but he prefers to go "commando" style, with he arms streched to brace himself for the impact with the floor. Well that works fine when you can brace yourself against the floor and the sofa, but 3 feet up off the ground doesn't work so well. He cam crashing out of the van, hit the running board, and landed in the gravel. Then he just laid there. I swore and hung up the phone, picked him up, and then he screamed. We took him to the hospital right away. He bonks himself a lot, but he never looses consciousness, and that scared me. The took some X-Rays and checked him all out to see if there was anything serious. I think the X-ray's scared him more than anything, since they had to hold him down to get a picture (he is a very wiggly little boy) I felt so bad for him. As the nurse and Todd held him down he could see me through the window and kept crying "Ma ma" and wanting me to rescue him. Of course I wasn't allowed in there since I am pregnant. Then after a bit more poking and prodding the doctor told us he had a mild concussion and a few bumps and bruises, but he should be ok. We took him home and put him to bed (the doc said it was ok). After 2 hours we had to wake him up, and everything seemed ok then, but he was still a bit sore. This morning he looks like he has been in a fight, but other than that he is back to his bad little self :) I'm sure this is the mildest of all the hospital trips we will be having over the next few years. Oh the joy of having a boy!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Friends who use you... a bit of a rant!

Ok, so there are a few things in life that REALLY piss me off... but friends who try to use me is right up there on the list. I have this girlfriend who I don't think intentionally tries to use me, but she sure does a good job of it. I have known her for awhile, but we were never really friends until about a year ago. She goes to the same Mommy and Me class that I do, and we have found we have quite a few things in common. With both of us hoping to loose baby weight (not so easy when you are pregnant) we decided to go on daily walks. Everything was great for awhile... we went for a walk most days and sometimes I would stop by her place after and we would chat for awhile. Well this last few months things have changed a bit. I still like having a walking partner, but the other aspects are a bit weird. She calls me up and asks me to do things for her quite a lot. I don't mind helping a friend out, but after awhile you just want to say "Do it for yourself!" Ok, here's an example... One day she calls me up and says "My son is really clingy today and I need to clean out the deep freeze. Is there anyway you could come over and give me a hand?" Ok, so this time I didn't really mind... I know what it's like to try to clean with a baby and it is almost impossible, so I really don't mind giving her a hand. But from that point it escalated... QUICKLY! The favors just keeping growing bigger. I know that if I ever asked her to do the same for me she wouldn't. The other day I even asked if she wanted to give me a hand while I made cookies, and I would spilt them with her. She said she didn't have a way over because she doesn't drive, and she didn't want to walk all this way. I live 4 blocks away, we walk WAY longer than that everyday. Well the other day she asks me "What are you and Todd doing tonight?" I think to myself, 'It's a Friday night maybe she wants to do something' I told her I didn't think we were doing anything, but I would have to check with Todd. She then says "We are thinking of going to Mission Impossible 3." Hmmmm... I think to myself, 'I wouldn't mind seeing that.' She then finishes this off with " So could you watch our son for us?" WHAT??? I can't believe she just said this. Her mother in law lives around the corner, why not ask grandma? Plus it will be a evening show, so I would have to put two cranky babies to bed while battling my good ole' pregnancy sickness. Luckily she got someone else to do it, so that was avoided. Well today was the icing on the cake. My phone rings at 8:30am this morning... I'm usually up at this time, but sometimes I'm not so it usually irritates me when it rings. I look at the caller ID and see her name. My first thought is she has heard some news about a friend of ours (we have a mutual friend who is having problems with post-partum depression, and yesterday we found out she was in the hospital.) Well I was wrong that was not what the call was about at all. She calls and says she has woken up with "something". She isn't feeling well. She called her mother in law to see if she could take the baby while she stayed at home to sleep and recuperate. Her mother in law told her she would prefer if she came to her house with the baby, just incase she had to run out. Seems reasonable to me... if I'm sick I would go to my Mum's and sleep... a beds a bed, and when I'm feeling ill I really don't care. Plus her mother in law is in real estate, so it is possible she might have to run out and she didn't want to not have someone to look after the baby. But no! My friend doesn't want to go over there. (Her MIL is a bit overbearing, but still a nice lady... plus if she is going to take care of your kid and let you sleep, I say why not?) She my friend calls me wondering if I will take her son through the day because she feels nauseous and would rather be at home. My first thought it "HELLO! You are talking to someone who is pregnant! I feel sick all the time, I think you can handle one day!" She tells me she has had diarrhea and is sick to her stomach. WELCOME TO MY WORLD... for the last 4 months and probably next 5 months as well! Sorry, but this really irritated me. It's 8:30 in the morning, I just got up 15 minutes ago and so did Brighton. She had mentioned to me the day before that her son was sick, and so I say "Well... I really don't want Bright getting sick. He was really sick a few weeks ago, and I don't want to put him through that again." Then she tries to back peddle... "Well, he's not that sick, he just has a really runny nose." Not something I really want my kid to have, but apparently this plan is not working. So I say I have something to do at 9am (total lie I might add!) and I will call her once I am done. I'm thinking to myself, that maybe once I am showered and I've fed Bright I might feel more up to watching another baby. She then says to me in the most "I really don't want to, but if I must tone".... "Maybe I will just go to my Mother in Laws." Seriously, why didn't you just do that in the first place... It was like when she wanted me to watch her kid when they went to the movies. Her mother in law had offered to watch him, but wanted them to go to a 4 o'clock show because she had something to do that evening. It seemed reasonable to me, considering her hubby gets off work at 2pm. But no! They want to go to an evening show, and for some reason they aren't willing to compromise. Anyways, I guess I will end my bitch session now... I just needed to unload!