Reasons Why - Random Thoughts On Lifes Questions

Monday, April 24, 2006

Message from Brighton

'lp;]][c a5n,mwdsa,,,,,,,,,tkmim weimihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhv nbnb86lnk,m yy6tyb,m4cfgvbbny bp9,kk,mm,.bc cvm mmng km,gf0iumuj ikfim ofijn0rpui 7u8ju y utdr t 9umfurf ui9ij u gumg di sd fv uiolv oibkckkkk

I don't know what it is all supposed to mean, but he really wanted to touch the keyboard :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I have decided that naps are one of the worlds best things for both me and Brighton. I love that Brighton takes two naps a day, and when he wakes up... vwalaaa... no more cranky pants. He sometimes whines or cries a little bit, but that is normally because I have him swaddled so tight that he can't move an inch. He has this thing lately where he won't sleep unless he is wrapped up SUPER tight. Whenever Brighton naps I also have 2 to 3 hours without him. Not that I don't love him, but sometimes it is nice to not have to worry what he is doing, and also get something done... Seriously... have you ever tried to unload a dishwasher with a baby right there.... IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. He hangs off the door, tries to grab things (which is usually a knife, because that is what is closest to him in the rack on the door), and just is a general pain. Also, when Brighton naps... I NAP! I used to do this when he was first born because I was getting up 4 times a night... now I just need the sleep. So during one of Brighton's naps I usually sleep too. Sometimes I just crash on the sofa (if I don't think he will sleep too long), but if I think he is down for a good 2 hours or longer, I jump in my nice new bed. Most of the time I even manage to wake up before him. I hate when he wakes up before me, because you feel like you have to get out of bed right that very instant!! I like to be lazy a take a few minutes to peel myself out from under the covers. :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Feeling Sick

I have decided I HATE being pregnant. I like the end result (after the labour of course), but the actual pregnancy sucks! I am sick as a dog, which really isn't pleasant. I take countless anti-nausea meds that don't seem to be doing their job - unless I miss one and then I'm really up shit creek! I take these stupid pills 3 times a day and still manage to loose my stomach contents at least 4 times a day. Of course if I didn't take them at all in a day I would probably be running to the bathroom 15 times a day. I also just really hate being sick! I feel lousy and don't want to move most of the time. I do have good points in the day, but they aren't enough when you have a 10 month old to chase after. When I was pregnant with Brighton I could lay in bed as long as I wanted or be lazy and watch the tube for hours, but not with this one. I now have to run after him all the time and make sure he isn't hurting himself or shoving some unidentifiable object into his mouth. Ahhh... sigh... I will be glad when this is all over...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I know this might not seem like some wonderfully exciting thing to all of you, but to me it is monumental! WE GOT A DISHWASHER... a real one, not one that pretends to be and goes by the name of Sarah. On Sunday we went for a walk and ran into some friends who live across the street. We started gabbing about the problems of home owning, and I joked "well at least you have a dishwasher". Then the greatest thing happened, she looked at me and said, "well... we have a portable one you could have." She said it like she wasn't sure I wanted it... I, on the other hand, wanted to jump up and down and hug her, but I contained myself... there was a bit of jumping though. The thing is we have to have a portable one, we don't have enough cupboards to take some out to make a place for a dishwasher... not to mention the expense of hiring a plumber to come and put it in. We have had problems getting a dishwasher before, so I didn't really believe it was coming until it was actually in our house. We were supposed to buy one off someone, and they very RUDELY sold it to someone else before we got there, even though they said we could have it... long story, and I'm still bitter. So we went and picked up the dishwasher last night, got it in our house, started it, and it worked!! YIPEE!! I hate doing dishes, so having a dishwasher is wonderful. If you have ever seem my kitchen on a normal day you would understand. The dishwasher is older, and I don't care.... it's noisy, and I don't care... It does my dishes, and that's all I care about. Well I should run, Brighton is fussing.... one last YIPEE!!!