Where have I been...

So welcome to winter... it was crazy. That and we have no boulevard so every time the snow plow would come by we would have to shovel the walks.... again!! Stupid plow! I have also decided that I need a new sign for my front door. I like having something hanging on it, as I think it makes it look friendly, but I do not agree with this one... AT ALL!
So if any kind person wants to donate something to my front door I'm sure the whole world would be grateful. Minus my father-in-law who likes the snow because it helps his crop the next year - yeah he's a farmer.
Austin got a stuffed monkey like Brighton's elephant, but I can't seem to find the picture. Brighton still has the frog balloon 2 weeks later. He loves the silly thing and waves it around like a wand.
This is the beginning of Brighton eating his Valentines day jumbo Hershey Kiss.

Just after Valentines Day my Mum ended up in the hospital. After 24 hours she was in ICU and had to be intubated. It had to be one of the scariest experiences of my life. She is doing a lot better now, but there were times when they weren't sure if she would breath again on her own. I have to say that I have the worlds best family. Todd was just a great support through this, as well as my cousin Vicky (of Visichy Blog) and her hubby-to-be Vince.
Things are doing a lot better now and life seems to be getting back to normal.
We have some exciting news for us. On Saturday we started the paper work to purchase a new van and this morning we found out that it was all ours. It is a 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport. We are hopefully going to be able to pick it up this afternoon if Todd can get a few hours off to sign some papers. Here's the picture from the dealership of it.
So for anyone who knows me... Carlson's got a new van! New... New... Van... Van...
Well that's about all my news. Here are a few more pictures if you want to see them! If you don't then you can just go away now :
Austin smiling away in his swing... I might be biased, but he is such a cute little boy, and such a happy baby!
Austin getting a bath. He loves to be in the bath. He is such a water baby just like his brother.

Well I should get running... hopefully we can get our new van today! Yippee!