Oh how I hate The Brick!!
So in my post "Update" I didn't mention to much about how many problems we had with The Brick, but they were almost endless. We finally got our sofa and chair on the 27th of December, over 4 months since we first ordered it. Besides waiting forever and really poor delivery service, everything seemed ok after we got it. Well this morning, the 22nd of January, I noticed a hole in the leather of the sofa. We haven't had the sofa for a month... THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! So I call The Brick and tell them of my new discovery. She tells me she will fax a request over to the repair guys and if I don't hear from them by the weekend to call them back. Well this is The Brick, do you think they are going to call by the end of the week.... probably not! I guess at least our warranty is becoming worth it now. I hate when I spend hundreds of dollars on a warranty and never use it. Although if they tell me I have to loose my sofa for a week while they fix it, I will pitch a fit. I waited for 4 months to have a sofa and if they want to take it away I will not be happy, to put it very nicely :) I know it's not completely The Brick's fault, but they are sure a good one to blame as they sold me the "faulty product", plus they don't have a great track record with me. To top it all off I have a sneaky suspicion in my gut that they are going to try to bill me for part of all of this, and then the gloves will really come off! Stay tuned for more updates... as I'm sure this won't go over smoothly, because it's The Brick why would it?
Hell hath no fury like a woman dealing with the Brick. Good luck baby!
Louisa, At
Tue Jan 23, 05:17:00 p.m.
Yup, Brick sucks. Going through my own turmoil with them these days :(
Visichy, At
Wed Jan 24, 10:50:00 a.m.
Well, I'm just glad you are sharing these horror stories so the rest of us can avoid them in the future.
BBKing77, At
Wed Jan 24, 10:52:00 p.m.
Did you ever hear back from the Brick. What was the verdict?
Silverwood, At
Tue Feb 06, 02:05:00 p.m.
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